Below is a list of the hope opportunities we are in the process of raising funds for. We would love your prayers and support to help make this happen for our people back home in the DR Congo. Since we have been there and seen the need we really want to establish programs and systems in the DR of Congo in order to empower and equip them best. The goal is to break the cycle of dependency and help Congolese men and women be able to stand on their own feet.
Womens SafePad Project
Due to the lack of necessary hygienic products, women and girls are unfortunately stuck using cow dung, ashes, leaves, newspapers, used socks, old mattress cuttings, or rags during their menstrual cycle. These crude materials are not only ineffective but also unhygienic and uncomfortable. They also force girls and women to suffer the indignity of it all.
The Ntibonera Foundation is passionate about educating girls and women and helping provide the means necessary to sustain them as they live their lives. The Ntibonera Foundation is launching the “Safepad Project”! This project will allow us to not only donate the items needed to create Safepad Kits, will include products that are more environmentally friendly, and sustainable because they are built to last for three to four years. It will also educate girls and women about using the products and maintaining better hygiene for their overall health and livelihood. This will keep girls in school and the entire project will be done through employing women in Congo! Educating, sustaining, and creating jobs all at once!
Each SafePad kit includes: Two shields - Eight absorbent, wash-and-reuse liners - Two pairs of undergarments - Washcloths - Anti-bacterial soap - Clothespins - Washable cinch bag - Airtight, plastic bag - Pictorial instruction sheet
• To break the silence on menstruation by sensitizing the beneficiaries and other stakeholders on menstruation and debunking the taboos, myths and misconceptions associated with menstruation by the end of the project
• To increase the proportion of young girls who are engaging in sustainable, environmental friendly and proper menstruation hygiene management through the use of safe, hygienic and reusable sanitary pads by the end of the project
• To improve access to reusable sanitary pads through donations and to distribute information booklets on menstruation and menstrual hygiene management to the beneficiaries and other stakeholders during the project duration
• To improve rates of readmission and retention of adolescents of school going age in selected schools
• To increase the self-esteem of adolescent girls on menstrual matters through open discussions and focused empowerment
Building a School
We are working towards building a free primary and secondary school for about 650 children. Majority of these children are orphans, born as result of rape, former child soldiers and vulnerable children. Classes here will be taught in French and english. Subjects offered will be Math Information Technology, Science and more. Our school will also focus on empowering girls to achieve their dreams since they get pushed to marriage such a younger age.
Skills Program
We will be able to provide youth and adults with training in literacy, entrepreneurship, farming, sewing, carpentry, Bakery, Welding, Masonry, Auto mechanic, hairdressing and financial literacy to be able to create their own business. They go through this programs for about 6 months then graduate with the skills needed to succeed. They will get a kit that has the material needs to start their own business,
Knowing that many children in the DRC have not finished primary school, either due to a lack of resources or the effects of war, NF will be able to provide a second chance to this group of young people in rural communities to acquire a fundamental education. Through education and professional training, learn that their future lies not in service to the interests of political actors, but rather in work, peace, human rights, and the needs of the community.
Target group
Children (girls and boys) who have left militias and armed groups.
Vulnerable youth in particularly difficult situations.
These are the areas your support goes to:
Education: providing financial assistance for children to go to school
Food: providing healthy food to children for their development and survival
Basic Health Care: providing the opportunity for children to have access to quality health care
Psychosocial Development: Educational activities, life skills, and other activities promoting the development of the child. Psychological
well being and skills of adaptation through creative, imaginative , and physical games.Distribution of Non-Food Items: Soap, shoes, books, clothes, and other items that give children the opportunity to develop, to play, and to strengthen their resilience.
Providing a safe space where children can participate in organized activities so they can have fun, socialize, learn, and express themselves all while rebuilding their lives.
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